I went to Sheli's (the family hair stylist and great friend of mine) and she made me realize some things. She was saying that when her grandma past away last year that it made her think of her life and what changes she needed to make.....to be happy. And then on my way home from my amazing haircut I started thinking the same. I ALWAYS say that I am going to lose weight and I never do anything about it. I may try and start "drinking more water" but within a week that is over and done with. I say that I want to start "reading more books"...well I hope you know I just finished my 2nd book in over 4 months (I know to some that is forever to read the same book but not for me)!!
I say that I want to try and make more time for my friends....and depending on who you would ask I already do. Some think I give more to my friends than I should but I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for some of them.
What I am trying to get at is that this is now my time for change. I want to be the great mom that Colin deserves. I want to be the best wife that Mark deserves. I want to be the best friend that all my friends deserve. And most of all I want to be the woman that I deserve to be.
So this blog I am dedicating to Tiffany. In spite of losing you; you helped me realize that I need to start living.
Love you Tiff!!!