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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Aubree's 1st bday party
Ok....grab a snack and drink cuz this is a long slideshow!! We took alot of pictures!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Happy 1st Bday Miss Aubree
Happy birthday bug! We love you very much and hope you had a wonderful time at your first birthday party!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Aubree's first birthday party was a success! Everyone had a great time and I can't wait to get the pictures. My camera battery wasn't charged so I borrowed my mom's. So hopefully tomorrow I will have some pictures to share from her party.
Now time for bed.....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Getting ready for the party
Food shopping
Goody bags
Birthday outfit
Sunny weather (fingers crossed)
My daisy grass table decorations!
Goody buckets personalized for each child....
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Grandbabies~Cousins~Best Friends
Here is the newest picture taken last night with all the cousins. Kind of an impromptu photo shoot but still pretty darn cute :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Big help
Since I am the one in charge of the kids' birthday parties, and aren't all moms supposed to be, I think I got myself a little in over my head! Oh well, its going to be great and I LOVE doing stuff like this. If only Tori Spelling was my best friend and we could share in this love for parties! I was hanging out in my bedroom and Colin wandered in and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was planning his and Aubree's birthday parties and since hers was first I was working on that stuff right now. He was very excited and wanted to help me! I will use these pictures as blackmail when he gets older and tells his girlfriend or wife that he doesn't know how to wrap place settings :)

See ya later mommy
I got a few pictures of Aubree walking away from me. I need to get it on video but that would require charging the camcorder...hehe!

All safe and sound inside...for the moment!!
All safe and sound inside...for the moment!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
First day of Preschool
(Picture removed due to privacy. Name of school and phone number was on the sign....oops!! Don't want any weirdos to take my babies...Thanks Don!)
Today was the big day! The day that I have been waiting for all weekend...Colin's first day of preschool. No I didn't go because frankly I would have been a mess. The first tear or big lip pout with sad puppy eyes he would have been outta there. So Mark and Jen took on the task for me...thank you very much (plus I was at work...thats my head telling me its ok that I missed it!)
Today was the big day! The day that I have been waiting for all weekend...Colin's first day of preschool. No I didn't go because frankly I would have been a mess. The first tear or big lip pout with sad puppy eyes he would have been outta there. So Mark and Jen took on the task for me...thank you very much (plus I was at work...thats my head telling me its ok that I missed it!)
He was excited from what I was told and did ok until of course it was time for them to leave. He started crying and just like the Miss Anita (his teacher) said in orientation, just leave, he will be fine. And I am sure he was. I bet it will take a few weeks of him getting used to the whole school thing and then I really hope he loves it. It is only two days a week and for 1 1/2 hrs. so I hope he really enjoys this time with kids his own age and his great teachers. He brought his backpack with his new Spiderman slippers, to which is his favorite thing right now, that and Batman. Everything is better if it is a superhero...even his boxer briefs :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Wow...time for a hair cut..IKES!!
I really wanted to grow out Colin's hair this summer. I was trying to relive the old days of when he was just a wee little lad. I loved his surfer hair when he was a baby. It was so soft and bleached blonde. Totally not a "Call baby". Today we spent the day at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. Had alot of fun until the rain came...hello August is over and we live in Washington....of course it rained ;)
Anyways so this is Colin's first experience on rides. We stayed in the Kiddie Playground the whole time and I was fine with the "baby" rides. The ones that don't go up and down and really fast and make me sick just looking at them. Colin and his buddy Sean wanted to ride the Surf City rollercoaster. Ummm no! It was way to fast for my liking. But I was quickly over ruled by daddy and the boys since they would be just fine. Ok...long story short, they were just fine and I am still learning how to not be so overprotective. But check out the picture we got of Colin's hair blowing in the wind. Like I said
Time for a hair cut.....(click on the picture to see the hair and awesome face!)
Anyways so this is Colin's first experience on rides. We stayed in the Kiddie Playground the whole time and I was fine with the "baby" rides. The ones that don't go up and down and really fast and make me sick just looking at them. Colin and his buddy Sean wanted to ride the Surf City rollercoaster. Ummm no! It was way to fast for my liking. But I was quickly over ruled by daddy and the boys since they would be just fine. Ok...long story short, they were just fine and I am still learning how to not be so overprotective. But check out the picture we got of Colin's hair blowing in the wind. Like I said
Time for a hair cut.....(click on the picture to see the hair and awesome face!)
Friday, September 3, 2010
One in 3 weeks....ahhh!!!
I can't not even believe that in about 3 weeks Aubree is going to be turning one!! Where did this year go??? Not to mention 2 weeks after that Colin is turning 3. Gosh, a 3 year old and a one year!

I am in the process of planning 2 birthday parties, getting all the old clothes ready for the JBF consignment sale, the Sassy Mei craft show that we are debuting in this year, and helping my bff plan a wedding in Vegas in January. And this is just stuff for September and the first part of October. My plate is FULL!!!
Think I could pull off a birthday/Halloween party for Mark and the kids at the end of October too...we'll see...
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