So I signed up for an Easter mini photography session with a local photography. Pictures were being taken at a favorite nursery of mine in Sumner. Check out these awesome pictures!!
First Easter Egg hunt of the year was a success! Main reason: WE WERE ON TIME!!! YAY!! That should deserve the golden egg without looking for it, right? Going off on a little tangent here but pre-kids I was at least 99% on time for everything. Now with kids lets just say I am always "5 minutes away" :) Ok ok anyways...first egg hunt was at Kelsey Creek Park in Bellevue hosted by Safeway. Lots of little kids and ALOT of eggs and candy everywhere. We met up with my boss and his grand kids and family and got all pumped for the whistle to blow. Colin has 2 years on Aubree so you would think he would be a pro at getting the eggs. Nope! He didn't even want to touch them. Aubree noticed all the other crazy kids running around getting eggs and she joined in. I really think she got more than Colin! He was very particular in what he actually would pick up. He picked up eggs but any of the open candy scattered amongst the field, if it wasn't snickers or m&m's he wasn't touching it. Weird! I thought ALL kids liked ALL candy. They had a great time. Weather was nice (it wasn't raining, so if its cloudy than we consider that nice) and we even got a chance to go and check out the petting farm and the park.
I love this message! She is very inspiring and I enjoy reading her blog. This entry hit me though...hit me more so than any other I've ever read. Crazy how you know this to be true but to actually believe it and truly live it is another. Just click the link below and check out one on my favorite blogs!!
Woohoo!! I made my very first Etsy sale with my jewelry! Shipped it out today and it felt GREAT! Hopefully this is a start to future sales of my newest hobby. Also May 13th come visit me at the Creme Brulee sale at the Kent Commons to see all the pretties in person.
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what your doing, you will be successful." -Albert Schweitzer
We took a little field trip to Windmill Nursery down in Sumner with Grandpa and Grandma Hawkins. I had booked a Easter photo session with a photography and we asked if they wanted to come and check out this fun nursery. It was beautiful! All the pretty flowers were starting to bloom and the sun peaked out behind the clouds so it wasn't too cold. The photo session was fast (15 mins!!) and then we had plenty of time to wander. It was very hard to NOT shop and I think I did pretty good. I only bought one plant. A gorgeous yellow raunocoluos. It is so pretty! It reminds me of Aubree's hair bows. We took a few pictures of us wandering around. Can't wait to see the professional ones!
So big shout out to Auntie Nae for hooking us up with free tickets to some great Seattle features!! We were able to use tickets to the Seattle Flight Museum and the Pacific Science Center...yes we visited both in the same day. Why?? Cuz they were free!! Colin was in plane heaven walking about in ahh of all the airplanes. He loved walking on the planes and sitting in the passengers seats. Thinking he was ready to book a flight somewhere?!?! He loved the fighter jets. With his newest obsession with Transformers, he thought he was actually sitting in a Decepticon. Too cute! Little Miss Aubree was on an adventure of here own. That one has no fear! She just walks right off and does her own little thing. She definitely loves following Colin around and copying everything he does. Its great! We didn't stay too long at either place since we were running on no naps. And the Pacific Science Center was PACKED!! Some Star Wars thing was on exhibit and that is all I am going to say about that! Enjoy the pictures!
Ya I know...I am a little late posting this. Been really busy with work and life and I am so far behind on my blog, reading my huge stack of books, sifting thru pictures, all the stuff I could be doing if I wasn't hanging out with the kids :) So I guess its ok!!
This Christmas we went on the Santa Train out in Elbe, WA with some dear friends of ours. You get to ride on a steam train and the kids LOVED it (so did we!!). Good friends, yummy snacks, and a private session with Santa. No waiting in any long mall lines. You stay in your comfy seat until the conductor comes and gets you and escorts you to Santas car. It was amazing! We are definetly getting tickets for next year too. Here is a few pictures from the day.