Sunday, April 17, 2011
Let the hunts begin!!
First Easter Egg hunt of the year was a success! Main reason: WE WERE ON TIME!!! YAY!! That should deserve the golden egg without looking for it, right? Going off on a little tangent here but pre-kids I was at least 99% on time for everything. Now with kids lets just say I am always "5 minutes away" :) Ok ok anyways...first egg hunt was at Kelsey Creek Park in Bellevue hosted by Safeway. Lots of little kids and ALOT of eggs and candy everywhere. We met up with my boss and his grand kids and family and got all pumped for the whistle to blow. Colin has 2 years on Aubree so you would think he would be a pro at getting the eggs. Nope! He didn't even want to touch them. Aubree noticed all the other crazy kids running around getting eggs and she joined in. I really think she got more than Colin! He was very particular in what he actually would pick up. He picked up eggs but any of the open candy scattered amongst the field, if it wasn't snickers or m&m's he wasn't touching it. Weird! I thought ALL kids liked ALL candy. They had a great time. Weather was nice (it wasn't raining, so if its cloudy than we consider that nice) and we even got a chance to go and check out the petting farm and the park.

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