He was lovin it!! Then I had the kids play some games....pin the banana on the monkeys hand, stuffed animal toss, and making bubble wands...since bubbles are one of Colin's favorite things.

Then it was time for his monkey cake that Grandma Call made for him. I don't have a good picture of it but it was REALLY cute!!

She also made the cute bib!!!

After cake we moved onto presents and this one is my favorite picture. His face is soooo cute with him looking so surprised!!

All and all it was a great first birthday. I think everyone had a great time and I can't wait until next year when Colin and "birth buddy" Morgan (thats her name for each other) have a grand big party with each other. Unless she is too grown up for baby parties ;)
Oh....note to other mommies out there. When buying a pinata if you want one of the ones you hit with a bat and they open up make sure it doesn't have strings on the back. I bought the kind that you "pull" open. I love the ones that you demolish with a bat....very sad about that!!
Awwww! I LOVE his adorable little face! I can't get over how blonde he is! Definitely growing up WAY to fast!
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